Summer 2001

"Anyone denying any student or teacher from expressing his/her belief is violating our Constitu-tional rights and more importantly our God-given rights."

"A handful of delegates in our government said in essence, “God is not allowed where our kids our concerned.” When this influence was removed, a void of violence and havoc took its place."


We have a dangerous trend beginning to take place in our education - We are spending less time in the classroom on the Bible, which should be the principal text in our schools - The Bible states these great moral lessons better than any other manmade books” – (Fisher Ames, one of our founding fathers who created the Constitution.)

Fisher Ames was the man who worded the First Amendment, and he was talking about the removal of spiritual influence in our schools. The question is, should God be a part of our educational system? To answer this question let’s look at matters that surround this subject such as: separation of church and state and what our forefathers while writing the Constitution intended our schools to be. Much has happened since prayer and the Ten Commandments were removed from schools.

First, let’s look at the famous phrase “separation of church and state.” Where did this phrase come from? Most people believe it was written in our Constitution, specifically the First Amendment. Those people are misinformed. “Separation of church and state” is not mentioned anywhere in our Constitution. The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The man who wrote this was Fisher Ames (the same man who said removing the Bible from school was dangerous). So, where did this phrase come from? It came from an unofficial document, a letter, Thomas Jefferson wrote to a certain religious group. So, people using separation of church and state to squelch Christian school activity are misinformed.

Secondly, while writing our Constitution, what did our forefathers intend for our schools? What did our forefathers think about religion and government? George Washington, our first President, believed that, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports - Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. ” Washington goes on to say, “If I could have entertained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution…might possibly endanger the religious rights of any ecclesiastical Society {meaning any church}, I would never have place my signature to it-.” Governor Morris, who spoke more than any other delegate in the Continental Congress wrote, “Religion is the only solid basis of good morals; therefore education should teach the precepts of religion, and the duties of man toward God.” And, finally, James Madison, our fourth President and primary writer of the Bill of Rights, stated, “Religion (is) the basis and Foundation of Government.”

Third, much has happened since Christian influences (such as Bible reading, prayer,and the Ten Commandments) were removed from public schools. The same year that a simple prayer (that was read before school started everyday) was removed from public schools, the rate of school violence, drug and alcohol use, rape, and teen pregnancy shot way up. Also, that same year the test scores (S.A.T.’s) dramatically went down. So, what happened in 1963? A handful of delegates in our government said in essence, “God is not allowed where our kids our concerned.” When this influence was removed, a void of violence and havoc took its place.

In conclusion, our society has seen court cases that have forbidden a teacher from reading the 23rd Psalm as poetry and have prohibited students from leading congregations in prayer at graduation ceremonies and football games. This was not intended by our forefathers or our Constitution. School or any human authority cannot force a person to believe or pray or worship God. But, the Bible can be a class textbook to teach the most important morals or an English teacher read from the book of Psalms as poetry or even starting off the beginning of class with an out-loud prayer to God. Where do you think our schools are headed? I see that more Columbine incidents will occur. What is the answer? Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Christians taking God back to their schools is the answer. Anyone denying any student or teacher from expressing his/her belief is violating our Constitutional rights and more importantly our God-given rights.




Craig Scott returned this summer from a two month mission trip in Africa with TeenMania and will be completing his last year at Columbine High School this fall. Brother of slain Columbine student, Rachel Scott, Craig has spoken around the country to teens on God and plans to continue "carrying her torch" to spread the message of the Gospel and bring hope to hurting teens.


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